Body Language Expert | Motivational Speaker | Keynote Speaker | Communication Expert | Presentation & Speaking Skills Trainer | One-On-One Coach

Body Politics & Asking for Directions

Two InteractivePprograms to Teach Audiences How to Deal with Gender Differences

The first thing you need to know is that these are two of Patti’s funniest programs. Your audience will be up out of their chairs, turning to partners, working in teams, laughing and laughing some more. They will leave these programs with immediately usable tools to bridge the gender gap.

You may think that gender-based conflicts in the workplace are a thing of the past. That words and phrases like: “Glass Ceiling,” “Good ‘Ole Boy Network,” “Gamesmanship,” and of course, “Sexual Harassment.” have gone the way of the covered wagon. You may think that the younger people in your workplace are more enlightened and informed on this topic. But guess what? Differences still exist between genders. Training programs in the 90’s emphasized that men needed to be informed and treat women as equals. The playing field is now more level, but we are still mystified by the opposite sex. Both men and women are now saying. “I just don’t understand “them.” They may complain or that things would be better at work if people wouldn’t be so crazy. Because if someone acts in a way we do not understand we may think he or she is crazy and it can irritate us. Employees may have workplace conflicts, based on simple gender differences in communication and values and not even realize it. An understanding of those differences and tools to deal with them can alleviate stress, reduce conflicts and lead to more productivity.

This workshop provides answers to these and other gender-based questions, such as:  “Why do men and women behave so differently?” “What are the differences that create problems?” “What can I do to create equal power and influence while having more understanding of another’s needs?” “How can I communicate more effectively with people of the opposite sex?” “How can I use gender differences insights to communicate more effectively with people of my own gender?”

Body Politics-The Nonverbal Differences between Men and Women:

In this program you’ll learn about the power differential—the effect of gender-based listening modes, subtle differences in everything from smiles and eye contact to space and touching, and the new rules of business etiquette for old standards like handshakes and greetings and pats on the back. Body Politics is an eye-opening, ear-widening, “Aha!” experience.

Asking for Directions -Understanding Gender Based Differences in Communication:

 You will learn about:

"Task Talk” - Men usually talk to the point to solve problems and get things done.

"Relationship Talk” - Women will use more words and "small talk" to build rapport and relationships, and to"…make a point, to relieve stress, to discover a point.”

"Be Right Talk” - Men talk to achieve status and power. They banter, coach, debate and play devil’s advocate.

"Like Me Talk”  - Emphasizing relationship and the desire to be liked, women soften their style downplay their authority and use indirect communication.

Asking for directions – Men perceive asking for help as going one down. Men fear loosing face so they don't ask questions in public.

Men grumble to relieve stress -They complain when requests are made of them and women hear resentment.

Women share to relieve stress - Men hear it as complaining and have less respect for the woman.

For more information about her programs, or to book Patti Wood for a program, either call 404-315-7397, email:, or use our booking form.