Media Interview & Body Language Expert
for the Media/Press
To get in touch with Patti e-mail her at
It's impossible to work with Patti Wood without being amazed at the extensive knowledge she has about body language and nonverbal communication and enjoying her high energy and sharp wit.
Patti is media savvy, having worked with over 300 major TV, magazine and newspapers sources. She is the body language expert who started the reading of celebrity body language in still photos and she is the resource for reading the video taped speeches of world leaders and political figures.
Click here to see some of her media interviews.
"The signals are loud and clear when it comes to delivering body talk. Patti Wood is the consummate communicator - mastering the verbal and non-verbal. She's the ultimate interview - easy, breezy, informative and fun. Her body language expertise is next to none and she leaves no secret unturned when it comes to the science of non-verbal communication. She says it like it is! The best interview around."
Joanne, Toronto Sun Media
She has done research on a variety of nonverbal communication topics including; first impressions, handshakes, gender differences, sneezing, chewing behavior, touch and body language during media interviews. She is also a great resource for information on relationships at work and in our personal lives. She can talk about everything to do with nonverbal communication including: gestures, facial expressions, territory and space, eye contact and a slew of other cues.
Patti has communication degrees with an emphasis in nonverbal communication. She realized her fascination with the topic at a very young age and worked with the gurus in the field in her masters program and doctoral coursework. She taught nonverbal communication at Florida State, Nova and Oglethorpe Universities. Patti is a “real world” expert, having worked with; law enforcement, government agencies, and 100’s of top fortune 500 companies.
Called, “The Babe Ruth of Body Language” by the Washington Post credited in the New York Times with bringing body language to the national consciousness and working with international media outlets she can help you with your story or show.
"I found Patti to be a highly professional, extremely knowledgeable expert in her field. Patti’s passion for the subject strongly comes across and she transformed the way I look at US presidential candidates! I also found Patti to be very friendly and patient in translating all the jargon into layman's terms"! -Jude Sheerin at the
"Patti Wood is a sage. She's a savant, a scholar, a seer. Patti Wood is the perfect expert for our age. She is God's gift -- or maybe academia's gift -- to America's cheesy magazine industry." -Washington Post
To see the BBC piece with Patti's 2008 Presidential Candidate body language reads click here.
Patti in the Media
To view Patti on Real World Cavuto & to see other videos of Patti in action click here.
To read articles in the top Magazines featuring Patti click here.
Patti’s Bio
Proven Professional
Patti Wood MA is an international speaker and trainer. Since 1982 she has spoken to hundreds of top companies and national associations. Clients include: AT&T, GTE, Chick-Fil-A, Dupont, Elli Lilly, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Lucent Technologies, The Kroger Company, Nortel Networks, Price Waterhouse, Nextel, Hewlett Packard, and hundreds more. She is on the faculty of Kennesaw University and does training for several other Universities including the Wharton School of Business. She delivers more than 100presentations a year. She is a Certified Speaking professional, a designation bestowed upon her by the National Speakers Association.
Communication Expert
Patti taught presentation skills, body language and other communication courses at the University Level for 11 years. She is interviewed frequently by the media including: CNN, FOX News Network, the BBC, PBS, the Discovery Channel, CBS, VH1, and E! Entertainment, Reuters, UPI, Entrepreneur Magazine, Psychology Today, USA Today, The New York Times, The New York Post, The Washington Post, USA Today, ESPN, and is quoted regularly in hundreds of magazines such as US Weekly, The New York Post, Life Style, In Touch, Men’s Health, ESPN, Cosmopolitan, SPIN, People online, First for Women, In Style, Women’s Own, and Redbook. Time Magazine recognized her nonverbal communication course at FSU as one of the top college courses in the country.
She was the national spokes person for Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum, Benadryl, Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion and The Natural Dentist.
To view or download Patti's full bio click here.
Patti’s Life Story
"How I Became a Body Language Expert"
By Patti A. Wood
People always ask me how I became a body language expert. Your history forms you. Every seemingly insignificant event in your life makes you who you are. I know that my experiences from childhood on have shaped and honed my ability to read body language.
To Read The Full Article Click Here.
Media Coaching
Private Individual Coaching Just For You! Enhance your media interview and people reading skills through personalized one-on-one coaching. You will have access to one of the nation’s top communication experts!
Forming your main messages
Creating your three most important talking points
Handling the tough questions
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Getting the most from your media interview
Click here for more information!
Press Clips (PDFs)
The Bachelorette, Who Will Win Aaron's Heart?
Us Weekly -
The Bachelor Together or What?
Us Weekly -
Body Language Reveals Oscar Secrets
Press Release -
Bush State of the Union: Is the Cowboy Gone
Press Release -
Condit Body Language Analysis
Press Release -
Gary Condit - Patti's analysis of interview with Connie Chung
Press Release -
Faces & Places Tom Cruise & Penelope Cruz relationship
Us Weekly -
No longer linked
Us Weekly -
No longer linked
Us Weekly -
Spot A Liar
Press Release -
Your Mom loves you more than you know...just ask Patti Wood. From the Feel Good File; notice the photos of the star mom and daughters.
First for Women on the Go -
Body Language Expert To Provide Fun Feedback On Body Language Of Stars During Golden Globe Awards
Press Release -
Star Pose Pros & Cons
Us Magazine -
Stars At Oscar Body Language Evaluation
Press Release -
J-14 Stars Kiss & Tell & Patti explains what they mean!
J14 -
Patti teamed up with Dr. Goldenthal to analyze the closeness of the stars. Patti provides some helpful advice to discover the power of your bond with your sister. Are you in synch?
First for Women on the Go -
The Silent Signals of Time in TechLinks
TechLinks -
Where Will You Be Day After Oscars
Press Release -
Girls just want to know everything
YM -
Body Talk
Atlanta Magazine -
Informer: Celeb Couples: Whose Love Will Last?
Cosmopolitan -
You and Him Patti's analysis of dating stances
Cosmopolitan -
Patti looks at Little Clues that Show Your Love Is Deep
Cosmopolitan -
Patti's advice on catching that handsome stranger's eye
Cosmopolitan -
What does Jon Gruden really think about missing out on the SuperBowl?
ESPN Magazine -
The Secret Behind The Smooch Patti looks at stars kissing!
First for Women -
Cruise-Cruz Romance a SHAM!..Pictures that reveal the TRUTH
National Examiner -
Patti assessing a couple and also Madonna kissing Brittany
National Post Canada -
National Post Canada -
More on Managing Body Language
Network World Fusion -
Patti assesses different famous people.
New York Post -
Patti Wood analysis of President Bush
Reno Gazette-Journal -
Section on uncovering secrets in your friendships
Seventeen -
Link no longer live
Star Magazine -
Tom and Nicole: A Second Chance?
Star Magazine -
Patti Wood on Oscars
Press Release -
What Does True Love Look Like?
Twist -
UPI Shooting the breeze about Sneezing
Patti and other experts weigh in on Britney's interview with Diane Sawyer
Us Weekly -
Cameron & Justin: HOT!
Us Weekly -
Patti Wood, Body Language Expert, weighs in on Cameron Diaz's break up with Jared Leto and Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Murphy's split
Us Weekly -
Patti analyzes Michael Jackson, Ben and JLo, and the Millionaire
Us Weekly -
Patti analyzes relationship of Calista Flockhart & Harrison Ford
Us Weekly -
Ben & JLo
Us Weekly -
Did Their Body Language Say It All? Jennifer Lopez and Cris Judd
Us Weekly -
LeBlanc and Melissa McKnight...definitely in love says Patti Wood
Us Weekly -
No longer linked
Reveling Gestures analyzed by Patti Wood. Jennifer Garner and Scott Foley. Why they split.
Us Weekly -
Body Language experts weighs in on winner's emotions
Us Weekly -
Ben and JLo
Us Weekly -
What it means when another person puts their hands on your butt as in JLo and Ben
Us Weekly -
US issue featuring Patti's assessment of Colin Farrell's harsh body language
Us Weekly -
JFK Jr. and Carolyn Bessette: Was their marriage really over?
Us Weekly -
Patti comments on how Tom Cruise hand indicates his feelings for his fans
Us Weekly -
Will their love last?
Us Weekly -
Body Language: Wife 1 vs Wife 2 of Paul McCartney
Us Weekly -
Body Language: What's Really Going on With Reese and Ryan?
Us Weekly -
Who is more in love?
Us Weekly -
Patti assesses JLo's look of love
Us Weekly -
You Can't Hide from Patti Wood
Creative Loafing -
No longer linked
Love Signals
Toronto Sun -
Stay in Touch
The Calgary Sun -
Power of Touch
Calgary Sun -
Read Body Language to Improve Job Applicant Assessment
Business Know How -
Charlie & Denise: On The Same Page?
People Magazine -
Secrets of Bush & Kerry's Body Language
BBC News -
Read Your Date's Body Language
MSN Dating & Personals -
First Impressions Depend on Firm Grip
San Diego Union-Tribune -
Are You Unknowingly Giving Off Power Trip Signals?
Management Strategies Newsletter -
Body Language Can Send Crucial, Lasting Signals About You
Seattle Post-Intelligencer -
Read Their Lips: How to Profit from Exec Speak
Registered Rep -
Making the Most of Your Media Interview, Part II
Auto Success & Lender Success -
Making the Most of Your Media Interview, Part III
Auto Success & Lender Success -
Making the Most of Your Media Interview, Part I
Auto Success & Lender Success -
Your Personality? Grin & Bare it, Smile Test Suggest...
The Indianapolis Star, Dana Knight -
What's in a smile? More, and less, than you know!
Pittsburg Post Gazette -
Tooth Truth or Sales Pitch? What is it? Smile Personality Analysis
The News Tribune -
BEHIND the Smile, Star's Body Language Expert, Patti Wood Examines these Dazzling Celebrity Smiles
The Indianaplis Star -
Analysis: Hillary Clinton vs Barack Obama
Inside Edition -
Hillary Clinton's Well up
Denver Post -
McCain Fires Back Against the New York Times
No longer linked
Sun Star -
Finding a Replacement for the Handshake
Contra Costa Times -
Brighams and Womens
Health Library -
Sneeze Article
Esquire -
Body Language a Sign of Truthfulness
ABC News -
Getting a Good Grip on Getting Ahead
Toronto Sun -
Purple Hue Gotta Love It
Life -
How to Read Bodylanguage
Campus Press -
How to Spot a Liar, Body Language Cues of Deception
The Sunday Post