Body Language and First Impressions
Success Signals the First Five Minutes
Patti Wood MA
You’re meeting a client or date for the first time, interviewing for a job, greeting a prospect, sitting next to someone new in a meeting, watching an employee come through the door at the beginning of the day, or sit down next to a stranger in a social setting. In each of these situations, you are forming a first impression that determines how you’ll interact with that person. And they are forming and impression of you. Whether stranger or friend, first impressions determine how people will evaluate us and how you will interact with them. When meeting someone for the first time social first impressions are made in seconds. Most hiring decisions are made in the first four minutes of a job interview and research shows that a bad first impression is the reason approximately eight out of 10 candidates don't get the job. Would you like to learn the body language cues to form a great first impression and feel calm and confident in your initial interactions? In this program will share body language secrets such as how to quickly create a strong connection, reduce your stress and control your breath and voice so you sound confident, and what to do at the end of a conversation, business interaction or job interview so you leave a good impression.
In this high energy, interactive program, you’ll learn what effects your first impression how to comfortable meet and greet with others in social and business interactions.
We will break down the steps people go through in those first few minutes. You’ll learn the four steps to a powerful handshake and how to deal with bone crushers and wimps. You will understand gender-based differences in handshakes and greeting and how your ability to establish rapport is effected by space, eye contact, and smiles.
If you choose you will be taped and receive coaching and feedback and a mini DVD of your interaction. You’ll understand gender-based differences in handshakes and greeting and how your ability to establish rapport is effected by space, eye contact, and smiles.
Do you want to know what creates a positive first impression?
Do you know the differences between the way men and women greet?
Have you wanted to quickly and easily establish rapport on the phone and in person?
Do you want to know smooth for greeting, meetings, and goodbyes with the proper etiquette?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, this workshop will fulfill your needs. Through practice, discussion, and one-on-one coaching, you’ll improve your first impression.
Patti Wood, well-known body language expert and distinguished fortune 500 company consultant, will teach you how to nail the interview and score the job of your dreams! This high energy, interactive program offers hands-on practice to quickly identify your problem areas and improve your business savvy. You will learn to give a powerful and positive impression and accurately assess others using the power of your "gut level" responses. Suddenly you will be aware of hundreds of body language cues you had previously overlooked and you’ll be ready to thrive in that dream job!
This workshop will cover:
- Projecting positive first impressions in less than seven seconds.
- Using the secrets of introductions and greetings.
- Handling handshakes - the bone crushers, the twisters, and the whimpeys.
- Putting your best foot forward with grooming, bearing, and demeanor.
- Controlling the power of your voice, pacing and word choice.
- Opening the blind spot to your personal habits.
- Gaining the eyes and attention of others without raising your voice.
- Encouraging acceptance and agreement verbally and nonverbally.
- Using the best distance, gestures, and touches for your situation.
- Practicing three methods to gain and maintain rapport.
- Unlocking the mystery behind such signals as eye blinking, palming, and foot tapping.
- Understanding the latest power, gender, race, and status communication etiquette.
- Empowering your physical presence nonverbally.
- Encouraging acceptance and agreement.
- Learning touch taboos and dos.
- Using the best distance and gestures for your situation.
This is guaranteed to be a fun-filled, informative, and energy-packed session!
To register, link here to the Books and Products
section of the website. You'll be paying for the public seminar
through the Read my Photo Services payment option so scroll down
to Read my Photo Services and click on Buy Now to pay $150.00 in $50.00
increments. (Be sure to fill in the required form three times in order
to pay for the seminar on this page.)
Body Language and First Impressions Public Seminar Atlanta, Georgia
Presented by: Body Language Expert Patti Wood
All information on these pages written by Patti Wood is to be used solely with her permission.
Patti also does one on one coaching on body language. Email her at
to sign up for coaching or simply go to the Coaching section of her website by clicking here.